The item that my customers love most are my scrapbook tins. By now, I've sold quite a few; but sadly, once it's been sold, I never get to see what's done to it. Today was different though. I was at the Brooklyn Flea today, and a friend bumped into my table without knowing I'd be there. She checked out my stuff and it so happened that she needed a gift and my scrapbook tin happily made its way into her hands. I was delighted that she loved it. I didn't expect to hear back about it but being just as crafty, she took it home and within hours, she gave my scrapbook tin life. I won't share her tin here for privacy purposes, but it truly made my day; so thanks S. You rock!
I don't think I've ever blogged about my wedding scrapbook tin - the wedding album I made to use as a sample to show my customers what my tins are all about; so here it is filled with photos of one of the happiest days in my life.